Projects Management

PMS – Projects Management System is an application targeted at administrative and financial control of projects. This product was fully developed by PCA and is intensively used in our daily operation; it is used for work time registration, controlling projects from the administrative point of view and for the control of costs. It also provides invoice issuing and project expenses control.

With this product, PCA provides a multifunctional high-quality service that reaches the different internal areas of any company. The administrative control gets a sophisticated and agile touch in its organization thus enhancing the efficacy of all processes.

Precise reports with all relevant information for internal management and decision-making; PMS also provides projections of hour/cost ratio, billing, expenses, cost rules and the most diverse and complete functions that are necessary for an efficient management.

  • Enhanced productivity
  • Low cost of training for new users
  • Shorter billing time
  • E-mails sent for projects, allocations, expenses reimbursement, as well as billing, invoices and receipts events
  • Scheduling of financial obligations on Outlook
  • Access to readjustment rates from the Brazilian Central Bank
  • Parameterable and constantly evolving system
  • Project Management, Contracts, Costs, Financial and Human Resources Area
  • 100% web interface
  • Low infrastructure cost
  • Low consumed bandwidth
  • Portability and scalability
  • Intuitive and friendly interface

This module provides user registration, access profiles, holidays, readjustment rates for financial control, alerts, occurrences, besides other system parameters. Access to the permission map provides a visualization of which permissions each access profile has.

It is able to manage the system for search and registration of collaborators, companies, their offices, besides all billing services. Each of these categories has its own particularities aiming at meeting the company’s needs.

Under collaborators management, it is possible to assign functions and roles to collaborators in their specific offices, as well as manage the workplace for history and registration of worked hours when collaborators are working in a city other than that in which they are allocated.

Managers can register contracts with all the necessary information to keep an optimal internal organization. There is information on the responsible for the contract, the client to whom the contract belongs, deadlines and descriptions, as well as additional information that can be used as facilitating filters for consultations and reports.

Moreover, there is a clients and suppliers registration area where all their information should be registered into the system.

In this module, the manager can easily search and register billing, invoices, financial accounts and taxes events, it also enables cash flow and invoice receipts control, besides project expenses maintenance.

It provides several financial reports that meet managers’ needs and can be generated in PDF or Excel formats, based on filters that permit to refine searches and can provide precise information.

This module is responsible for the management and maintenance of all the company’s projects, either internal or directed at its clients. Managers can search and register projects, manage data and tasks, allocate collaborators, and plan efforts besides defining projections and estimates based on deadlines and costs. It is possible to visualize the progress of each project and task, besides generating specific or general reports.

For collaborators, there is the hour registration feature, which is used for the control, both of costs in the Human Resources area, and project management and estimates. The system manager can also block and unblock the hour registration each month in order to freeze data and keep it consistent with the generated reports.

Managers can generate reports for costs, progress, and project control, available resource reports, etc. Collaborators can generate reports relative to their hour registration for daily, monthly, and periodic inspection.

Area dedicated to the management of the company’s collaborators. It features cost rules definition by type of contract with collaborators, among other specifications. Collaborators can be associated to a set of rules, so that the system calculates and shows the cost of each collaborator. Such data is used for projections, estimates, and follow-up of project budgets. The association of rules to collaborators can be carried out individually or in batches.

In this module, collaborators’ time sheets can be generated, customized with holidays, according to their work place setting.

In this module it is possible to generate reports, both for profitability by contract with the responsible for all the involved parts, and for collaborators’ costs. All reports are generated based on the defined filters.

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